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Bloom made alternative cosmic pop music using experiments with vocal harmony, samples, syncopation and synthesisers. Megan co-fronted the band, co-wrote the music, created the music videos and designed live projections.



'Astral space-pop worthy of Bjork' - THE QUIETUS
'Vibrant, dynamic indie pop to see you through the darkest times’ - THE GIRLS ARE
'Complex and bittersweet’ - LINE OF BEST FIT
‘A blissful audio-scape worth exploring. - ART NOISE
‘A sense of longing, reaching, hoping and emerging’ - BRIGHTON’S FINEST
'What I will say is that it is rare that I feel so loved by music.’ - TWO TORN HALVES
'The best of 80s-laced art pop – with just a hint of the weird.' BRIGHTON NOISE
'From the off - the joy is infectious' - SOURCE MAG


Bloom - Escape

I storyboarded and edited this 8-bit adventure video with backgrounds drawn by Graham Pratt and animation from Emily Cluley. Escape was one part of a double A-side lilac vinyl released on Little Miss Echo Recordings

Bloom - Ground

This video was created using a mobile phone, a bath, a bag of soil and Adobe Premiere. I edited this video with Emily Cluley, with extra editing from Summer Dean. Ground was one side of a double A-side lilac vinyl released on Little Miss Echo Recordings

Bloom - Letting Go

I conceptualised and edited this video, shot by Summer Dean. From the album 'What is Life'

©2021 Megan Clifton

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